Nun fungible tokens


An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, is a type of digital asset that is unique and cannot be replicated or replaced. NFTs are often used to represent collectibles, art, or other unique items on a blockchain platform. We provide a comprehensive guide to developing your own Non-Fungible Tokens based on your specific needs and requirements. This includes brainstorming the concept, a bespoke business consultation, designing NFT art, writing the smart contract code, and deploying the NFTs on a blockchain platform with all the required features.

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Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that represent ownership of a unique item or asset. They are built on blockchain technology and are unique in that they cannot be exchanged for other tokens or assets on a one-to-one basis, like traditional cryptocurrencies. One common use case for NFTs is in the art world, where they can be used to represent ownership of digital artwork or other unique digital assets. NFTs can provide a way for artists to sell their work online, and for collectors to prove ownership of a particular piece. Other potential uses for NFTs include representing ownership of in-game items or assets, collectibles, and even physical assets such as real estate.

Benefits of NFTS for your Business

Proof of ownership

NFTs can provide a way to prove ownership of a unique digital or physical asset. This can be particularly useful for verifying the authenticity of rare, valuable, or collectible items.

Increased security

NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which provides a secure and immutable record of ownership. This can help to prevent fraud and counterfeiting.

Enhanced liquidity

NFTs can facilitate the buying and selling of unique digital or physical assets, potentially increasing liquidity in certain markets.

Greater accessibility

NFTs can make it easier for people to buy and sell unique assets, potentially increasing the accessibility of certain markets.

In recent years, there have been several significant developments in the NFT space, all of which have contributed to a growing level of adoption. Some examples include the sale of a single piece of digital artwork for $69.3 million, the use of NFTs to represent ownership of physical assets, and the increasing adoption of the technology by major brands and companies.

NFT Development Process


Identify the unique asset

We identify the unique asset that will be represented by the NFT. This could be a digital artwork, in-game item, physical collectible, or other unique asset.

Determine the blockchain platform

We choose the blockchain platform on which the NFT will be created. There are several widely used platforms for NFTs, including EVM chain, Near, and Solana, each with their own set of features and capabilities.

Design the NFT

The design of the NFT will depend on the specific use case and requirements. This may involve creating a unique visual representation of the asset, as well as defining the metadata and other information that will be included within the NFT’s underlying smart contract.

Write the smart contract

The NFT is created using a smart contract, which defines the terms and conditions of the asset and specifies how it can be transferred or traded.

Deploy the NFT

Once the NFT has been designed and the smart contract has been written, it can be deployed on the chosen blockchain platform, after which it is available to purchase or trade on the marketplace.

Market and promote the NFT

After the NFT has been deployed, it is important to market and promote it to potential buyers or collectors so that attention and momentum can be achieved and sustained. This involves creating a website or social media presence, participating in online communities, and using a range of other marketing strategies.


Use Case: A minting platform is for anyone to upload their images, artwork, videos, animations, songs, audio files, GIFs, or other files and generate a unique ID on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain, which guarantees ownership of their unique digital assets after the payment of a gas fee. Users can then place newly minted NFTs on any marketplace and sell them.


  • NFT minting and smart contract development
  • Includes any image, video, audio, GIF, or other compatible file, as well as the generation of a unique digital key on the BSC network.

Number of projects completed: 10+ 

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Use Case: This platform is for projects to display their own NFT designs, allowing users to connect their wallets, pay any gas fees, then mint and take total ownership. The range of designs is generated through our in-built tool using one or a few base characters with various traits. These minting platforms are completely customizable and can be created as per client requirements.


  • Customized design artworks
  • Multiple NFT generator using base character and attributes (1000 to 1,000,000 NFTs)
  • Random minting and assignment to users at the point of purchase
  • NFT smart contract with customized functionalities

Number of projects completed: 10+

Use Case: An NFT marketplace is a digital platform for buying and selling NFTs. These platforms allow people to store and display their NFTs, or sell them to others in exchange for cryptocurrency or money. Features:
  • NFT marketplace smart contract
  • NFT marketplace listing for buying 
  • Album creation for any NFT assets
  • Fully functioning frontend and backend development

Number of projects completed: 10+

Affiliate marketing platform with blockchain integration 

  • Wallet connectivity 
  • Referral code/link sharing 
  • Real-time capturing of all contract transactions from referred users 
  • Commission from each transaction from referred users
  • Smart contract for the affiliate marketing pool
  • Reward claiming functionality for users 
  • Leaderboards and overall data visibility

Marketplace listing for token projects on all networks 

  • Manual token listing for developers/token owners on any blockchain network 
  • Manual screening process for tokens 
  • Voting feature for users 
  • Token filtering with multiple options
  • Real-time data capturing and updating from the blockchain 
  • Admin platform for moving token to sponsored section, banner updates

Marketplace listing for NFT projects on all networks

  • Manual NFT listing for developers/token owners on any blockchain network 
  • Manual screening process for NFTs 
  • Voting feature for users 
  • NFT filtering with multiple options
  • Real-time data capturing and updating from the blockchain
  • Admin platform for moving NFTs to sponsored section, banner updates