
Smart contract Development

Perfectus analyzes and runs in-depth research for clients based on their specific needs and requirements for business tokenization and decentralization through the smart contracts ecosystem. We revolutionize your business with our smart contract development services in public blockchains. With deep expertise in various smart contract programming languages and tech stacks, our smart contract services help enterprises/startups automate their operations, streamline workflow, and reduce the cost of key processes. We run comprehensive line-by-line code audits for smart contracts and provide our recommendations for already deployed contracts.

Contracts Developed
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what is smart contract development?

A smart contract is an agreement between two or more parties that is stored on a blockchain with a predefined set of rules and conditions. The contracts are automatically executed when those conditions are met, and are guaranteed by the consensus of the whole blockchain network, made up of hundreds of nodes to ensure decentralization. As such, they cannot be altered by anyone unless the entire network approves the change, making them highly secure, trustworthy methods of creating agreements between different parties.

Benefits of Smart Contracts for Your Business


Smart contracts are triggered automatically by on-chain transactions, resulting in immediate execution once the predetermined rules are met. This process eliminates the need for escrow, paperwork, or any manual error rectification.

High security

Smart contracts contain a level of cryptographic security that guarantees they are tamper-proof. Every single transaction record can be encrypted, making it impossible for hackers to gain access, and because the records are decentralized and distributed across all the nodes in the chain, there is no possibility of data loss.


With no third party involved, and with all transactions encrypted and recorded on a distributed ledger, smart contracts eradicate the possibility of human manipulation and other vulnerabilities. Only participants can access the data and validate it for further process execution.


Smart contracts are executed immediately without the involvement of third parties or middlemen, making them highly efficient and extremely fast.


Distributed Ledger Technology ensures that smart contracts are, by their very nature, both decentralized and transparent. This ensures that any contract Terms and Conditions are visible to everyone on the blockchain, and therefore irrefutable.


To avoid transaction errors, each smart contract’s terms and conditions must be defined with great precision, making them highly accurate. Once any pre-agreed contract conditions have been met, execution is automatic, eliminating the need for litigation or manual contract enforcement.


As our smart contracts are designed to execute automatically, there is no need to involve an intermediary at any stage. This results in two-fold savings for your business, as there is no need to pay any third-party fees or manage roles related to contract execution within your organization.

Smart Contract Development Process


Requirements and scope of work

Our analysts and engineers appraise and define your requirements to ensure a complete understanding of your business operations. From there, we develop a concept proposal that covers the entire scope of work.


Our developers design the technical aspects of the contract to reflect the business requirements and processes. This then serves as a blueprint for the development of the contract.


Using the blueprint, we develop the smart contract with all required functionalities on the blockchain of your choice.

Internal audit

Now the contract has been developed, we perform an internal audit via a local blockchain, then launch a Testnet. The audit stage checks if the contract functions as intended and meets all security standards before going live.


Once we have performed all the necessary tests and the final contract has been approved by you, we will launch the Mainnet, deploying the smart contract on the blockchain. We will then transfer all ownership of the contract and its architecture to you.

Smart Contract Programming Languages We Use









Ethereum Smart Contract Token Standards We Have Expertise In


ERC-20 is a smart contract token standard that requires one common smart contract that describes the function and event signature of ERC20 tokens. It also has a set of properties that enable the development of identical tokens.


ERC-721 is a smart contract token standard requiring distinctive smart contracts for every token. Because these tokens are unique, they cannot be exchanged for anything of equal value.


ERC-1155 is a smart contract interface that allows tokens to be fungible, semi-fungible, or non-fungible. The goal of creating such a distinct token standard was to create a strong, smart contract interface that defines and manages various ERC tokens